Saturday, June 09, 2007

This semester has been a tough yet spirit guided semester for me.

I have learnt alot. People have told me I have grown alot and changed alot as well, especially the leaders around me. It is by no means of my own, Its only God who can make the change in me and I give HIM all the honour and glory. For such is the work of the Holy Spirit and not of human nature. An undeserving creature I am, precious in His sight and bought by the blood of the lamb, bought at an indescribable price which I can never pay on my own.

3 Breakthroughs I had this year so far and many more by faith I believe are coming.

1. Breakthrough in my bible study group.

I could see alot of growth in them after all the effort, unceasing prayers and fasting. I have seen them grow so much in knowledge, unity and love for one another. For myself, increasing reliance on God for his guidance in leading my group and the faith that he will use me as his servant to guide his lambs and feed them. By no means, I could ever achieve them on my own. Not of my own, but of His strength I draw on. What can I offer, I give what I have been given.

2. Breakthrough in my results.

It has been a while since I last had a breakthrough in my results. My knowledge is insufficient but God has never failed to provide for me. I find myself struggling lesser and lesser each day. I have not grown more intelligent. I only have known how to claim the victory I have in Christ alone and draw on the power that he has already given me. My life is not mine, but His. Be amazed by not my works but of His works. My saviour is the only one who is holding me.

3. Breakthrough in worship leading.

Yesterday was the first worship session I led this year. After the session, there were quite some senior leaders inclusive of the speaker who came to me and said that the worship is good. Again, I know it was God leading the session because throughout the session, I did not do anything I had planned, apart from the songs we sang. All the other words I said were from God given to me at that moment. Give God all your praises! He is the worship leader. He has taught me how to lead worship in a way that is pleasing in his sight, a sweet sound to his ears. My praises go only to Him!
Thank you for all leaders who have encouraged me. Again, I emphasis, my life is not about me, I live only to bring glory to His Name! Give God all your praises!

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