Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A New Start?

It took me awhile to decide if I should go back to blogging. Pretty much I guess I should, I still do want to keep the moments that were once precious to me documented before they r forgotten or treated as waste by my limited capacity brain.

The documentation part is probably an occupation hazard. Haha! Sometimes I really wonder why would I record such nitty gritty details in my lab-book. I do enjoy when I get some desired results but not as much when I dun. :(

Life pretty much has started to get more interesting. A moment ago, a thought suddenly found itself in me. Time management! Just had the feeling that my time management skill simply sucks! Why m I taking so long to do something though hard the task maybe but still, I could have done it at a shorter time. I guess its a point where I just need to pause my life and look again at the "Time Wasters" but I need to get pass this week first.

Once Friday is over, Sat to Thursday, I will be down in Melbourne while the rest of the peeps would be at Ecamp!

My long awaited Melbourne trip is finally gonna happen! This thought alone motivates me to get all work done asap!!!!

Alright till then..

Note: I would be buying some Krispy Creams back.. BUT its not for everyone.. I will become broke if I do that..Sorry.. Hope u guys understand..


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